We believe that success is possible when you make the right choices day by day.
We believe in confident people, who are constantly evolving, who are dynamic and who create changes with their vision.
We believe that even the most powerful people need to be supported in their way to success.
Brainia is the society of brainy people’s smart thoughts and actions. Of those who make a living out of neurons and synapses. Of those who change the world for the better with the power of their minds. Of those who create, think and decide. Of those who rely on what they know and never stop learning and knowing more.
BRAINIA is the land watered by the three springs of the smart mind: The Spark, The Clarity and The Concentration. Their magical powers grow bigger with every encounter.
Makes perfect sense, right? That’s because BRAINIA is the smart water.
Free from any artificial colors, preservatives or artificial flavors.
BRAINIA contains both vitamins and minerals in an optimal combination to support the smooth functioning of the nervous system. Each of the three products has a different mix with a fixed component of vitamins B3 and B12, plus minerals and vitamins specific to each product: Magnesium, B5, B6, B7 and Vitamin C, all to ensure mental clarity and focus. BRAINIA is a low calorie drink, with a fresh taste, due to natural fruit combination and SUPER-INGREDIENTS: GREEN COFFEE, GINSENG AND MORINGA.
It helps you stay focused with a clear and acute mind. It helps you regain the power to continue what you started. It helps you never give up on your dream.